Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday-Summer Reading Plan 2024

Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Books on My Summer 2024 To-Read ListI haven't been doing lists like this this year, just trying to mostly go with the flow. However, I do have some ARCs I have signed up for and a few books I would like to get to (I won't include the two ARCs I am currently reading). So, let's see what the plan should be 😉 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today. 

Top Ten Books I loosely plan to read this summer:


On hold at the library:

Kindle Unlimited:

Kindle Own:



Bonus book, a classic:

Two wishes granted from last week's TTT post!! I hope you also had a few wishes granted. Thank you so much Andi and Rissi!!!!

Thank you Andi from Radiant Light

Thank you Rissi from Culture Characteristics

What is the top book you hope/plan to read this summer? If you didn't do this topic today, what did you do? I would love for you to share in the comments. To see what other topics our bookish friends are doing this week click on the image below.


  1. Stevie Hates Shoes looks cute.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.


  2. Lots of fun-looking books on your summer reading list. I hope you get time to read them all. :D

    1. Lark, I am sure I can read this many, it's just a question of if I will stick to the list, LOL!

  3. I laughed at Stevie Hates Shoes because same, Stevie. Same. Enjoy them all!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  4. So many good books.

  5. I'm like Stevie, as I too hate shoes! I hope you enjoy reading them all.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  6. I hope you like them! I read North And South last year. It's pretty readable for a classic.

  7. I hope you enjoy your summer reading!

    Happy TTT!

  8. I ADORE the BBC North and South miniseries, but don't think I've ever really thought about try to read the book. I think I should consider it though because I bet the novel has lots of depth. :) Thanks so much for visiting my website today!

    1. Rissi, I hear great things about it, but I haven't read (or watched) it.

  9. A good looking list. I hope that you enjoy them when you get to them.
    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  10. Stevie Hates Shoes! Doesn't that look delightful?! I shall look for it.

  11. I hope you'll love all of these this summer!
