Showing posts with label Carolyn Astfalk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carolyn Astfalk. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday-Spring 2025 pile of possibilities

Happy Tuesday my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is: Books on My Spring 2025 to-Read List. This one is always easy for me as I want to read books, LOL! The hard part is narrowing it down to what do I want to read soonish. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today.   

Top Ten Books on my spring TBR: (these are a mix of ARCs, books I own, and library books)

Green Pastures by Patricia Johns-ARC-Amish fiction

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday-Summer Reading Plan 2024

Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Books on My Summer 2024 To-Read ListI haven't been doing lists like this this year, just trying to mostly go with the flow. However, I do have some ARCs I have signed up for and a few books I would like to get to (I won't include the two ARCs I am currently reading). So, let's see what the plan should be 😉 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday- "A" books

Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday is Movies/TV Shows That Would Have Made Amazing Books (Submitted by Sabrina @ Notes From a Paper Plane Nomad). Seriously at a loss, thought about it for 2 days, and I have nothing. We don't watch a lot of TV or movies. So, I am going to take a page out of Pam's book (Read!Create!Bake!) and do titles that start with a letter, I was going to go with C because I can see 3 books on my TBR cart at a quick glance that start with C, but better go with with A since it's my first time, LOL! Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today. 

Ten books on my PHYSICAL shelves that I am might (should) going to read soonish that start with "A": 


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday-Things Found in Nature

Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday is Covers/Titles with Things Found in Nature (covers/titles with things like trees, flowers, animals, forests, bodies of water, etc. on/in them) (Submitted by Jessica @ a GREAT read) Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today. 

Ten Books I plan to read some time soonish (😉you know how that goes) that have things found in nature on the cover:

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Stacking the Shelves #102, Sunday Post #99, Sunday Salon #93

Hey bookish friends! Happy New Year's Eve!!! Did you have a good Christmas week? We did. Me and my kiddos traveled to TN on Wednesday and got back Saturday evening. It was a quick trip, but always wonderful to see my sister and her family. Word is my car will be finished by the end of this week!!! I will update next Saturday. Today we did Church online, played a few games, and plan to do more of the same, with lots of relaxing this afternoon. Tomorrow my son goes back to work, but hubby is off. We plan to take down the Christmas tree and put the house back in order. We never stay up until midnight to celebrate, we've gotten old, LOL, and need our sleep. How do you celebrate New Year's Eve?