Wednesday, May 31, 2023

20 Books Of Summer-2023 & Big Book Summer Challenge

It's no secret that I have been trying to whittle down my physical TBR shelves, as well as my Goodreads shelf (although I am continually adding to that one 😂).

So, when I saw the 20 books of summer challenge going around again, hosted by 746 Books, I decided not to participate, then instantly changed my mind, LOL. I thought it had been a few years since I participated, but it was only last summer 😂. This year has been incredibly long, LOL! The other sad thing is that there are books from last year's list that I STILL haven't read, sigh.

The details are can choose 10, 15, or 20 books for the summer, read AND review them.

If your goal gets overwhelming you can drop down the number of books you want to read.

You can plan your list in advance and change it if you need to.

That's pretty much it. You can head over to 746 Books to see all the details and see who is participating...and add your link if you want to join in the fun. The challenge runs from June 1-September 1, 2023.

I am a planner so I will be planning out 16 books based on my ARC's that need to be read, along with books on my physical shelf that I have been wanting to read forever and haven't gotten around to it. That leaves room for some mood reading too 😀

The goal of the Big Book Summer Challenge is to read at least one book that has 400+ pages (any genre, any age). The Challenge runs from May 25th-September 4th and is hosted by Sue at Book by Book. You can head over to her blog for all the details.

I am going to set my goal at 3, if I do more, great, if not, at least I (hopefully) will get three in. I OWN 14 physical books and 54 Kindle books with 400+ pages, and I have 48 that I want to read on my Goodreads TBR. I literally have over 100 possibilities 😂

Here are the ones I am actually going to choose from:

Are you participating in either one (or both) of these challenges? What books are you hoping to read this summer? Which of these do you recommend I read first?!


  1. Thanks Vicki, I am looking forward to reading (or trying to!) all of these this summer!

  2. North and South is one of my all-time favourites - I hope you enjoy it if you choose it! Happy reading!

    1. I have heard good things about it, but I do admit it intimidates me a little bit!!

  3. Thanks for taking part Cindy! Looks like you have a great range of books there, best of luck and happy reading x

  4. It's always dangerous looking at lists like these because I always end up adding several books to my own TBR list...and I am trying to whittle it down. But it's not working. I read two books off my Goodreads want to read list, and immediately add three more. It's like a vicious bookish cycle. ;D

    1. Lark, I TOTALLY agree! I think I have my TBR on Goodreads at about 700, it keeps flucuating! That is not counting my Physical Shelves TBR, Kindle TBR, Nonfiction TBR, LOL, you get the point!

  5. Good luck Cindy! So happy you are joining in! Have you started yet?🤦‍♀️📚💜

    1. Susan, I have started one book, LOL! I am hoping to finish it today and move onto the next one.

  6. Welcome to the Big Book Summer Challenge, Cindy!! Glad to hear you are joining the fun this year! Several bloggers like to combine these two summer reading challenges. Looks like you have some great picks here. Parnassus on Wheels was wonderful - it's a very sweet, gentle kind of book with a great sense of humor. And I've heard lots of good things about North and South. Hope you enjoy whichever books you choose to tackle!

    2023 Big Book Summer Challenge

  7. You've got some good books on your lists. Good luck!
