Saturday, June 1, 2024

Stacking the Shelves #122, Sunday Post #119, Sunday Salon #113

Hey bookish friends! How are you doing? It was a weird week with the holiday on Monday, a very full Tuesday, then traveling all day on Wednesday to North Carolina. Thursday and Friday were spent catching up with my in-laws, playing games of badminton, and kayaking on the lake. Today we are going to the wedding of two young adults who were in my youth group. Tomorrow we will spend part of the day visiting with my sister-in-law and her family, and Monday we head home. It's not been all sunshine and rainbows, I am still exhausted, but am thankful for the change in scenery. Have a great weekend!

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual.This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! And audiobooks. The Stacking the Shelves meme is hosted at Reading Reality.

NetGalley: None.

Library Treasures:

Kindle Freebies: None

Book Mail: Both of these are for review

Bought: none

Other updates:

My reading and blogging are still quite sporadic, it was a crazy month, but I am hoping to get back on a more regular schedule again once I am back home. I finished four books this week and need to write the review for one of them. 

My family monthly updates: Share Four Somethings May 2024

What you might have missed on the blog this week:

Book Review: Hello Sleep by Jade Wu

Book Review: Double or Nothing by Cindy Steel

Book Review: Needing the Next-Door Neighbor by Kristin Canary

Book Review: 12 Ways to Age Gracefully: How to Look and Feel Younger by Susan Neal

Top Ten Tuesday: Shiny Books Still Sitting Unread

Book Review: Miss Match by Erynn Magnum

Book Review: Compared by Kortney Keisel

I am also linking up with the Sunday Post. The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted at Caffeinated Reviewer. I will also be joining Deb at Readerbuzz for the Sunday Salon.

What books have you added to your physical or virtual bookshelves? I would love to hear from you. Click on the icons below to join in on the fun. Have a great weekend!
Sunday Post


  1. I'm curious about on Night Falls on Predicament Avenue. Looking forward to your thoughts!

    1. I will be reading it in the next few weeks, I am excited :)

  2. That's a very busy weekend! I love vacationing...but it can be exhausting.

    1. Lark, very much so! We just got home a little bit ago and I am wiped out.

  3. I love playing badminton! It's been years though. It sounds like you had a wonderful week, Cindy. Have fun at the wedding and tomorrow visiting with family. The cover of Night Falls on Predicament Avenue is gorgeous. It sounds good too. I hope you have a great week!

    1. Wendy, we love badminton as well and it had been too long since we played. The wind was too strong, so we didn't play a real game, LOL! Have a great week, and thanks for stopping by!

  4. Sounds like a busy, but fulfilling week. Have a great rest of the weekend and week ahead! :)

  5. I hope you continue to enjoy your trip and to find some time to relax!

    Have a great week.

  6. A wedding, kayaking, badmitton, traveling, seeing family and friends---it sounds fun but also exhausting. I hope you are able to find time to rest and relax and, ultimately, read, once you get home!

  7. I hope you enjoy what remains of your trip!

    Wishing you a wonderful reading week

  8. I'd forgotten about badmitton! Used to play that (for fun) as a kid and loved it. I also love kayaking, but I need my own kayak! None of that tandem rowing for me. LOL

    1. Jinjer, it's so funny, my FIL had bought a tandem kayak so me and my husband tried it. We were not very good at it, LOL, I prefer to be in one by myself. My kids called it the "get along" kayak and they were good at it.

  9. Have a wonderful and restful Sunday if you can.

  10. Summer is always so busy! I love vacationing but I also love going home and getting back into my routine. :)

    1. Erin, yes! We are home for the month of June, and will travel again 4th of July week. I am hoping to get into some great routines!

  11. At least you are having fun spending time with family.

  12. That's quite a bit of travel and activities. No wonder you're exhausted. Hopefully you can rest when you get home. Kayaking on the lake sounds lovely.

  13. Sounds like you had a fun but busy week. Hope you'll have a great week to come :)
