Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday-My favorite book from ten different series

Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Ten Favorite Books from Ten Series (We all have a favorite book in our favorite series, right?) (submitted by A Hot Cup of Pleasure). I will do my best to come up with ten!! Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today.  

My favorite book from ten different series

Crossroads #5 in the Holly Series-although I have LOVED every book in the series. I *think* this is my favorite, so hard to pick!!
Twice Sold Tales #1 in the Bookstrings series
The Mistletoe Countess #1 in the Freddie and Grace Mystery series
Come Back to Me #1 in the Waters of Time series
Brunch at Bittersweet Cafe' #2 in The Saturday Night Supper Club series
More Than Meets the Eye #1 in the Patchwork Family series
Portrait of Vengeance #4 in the Gwen Marcey series, although all the books are great
Sunset in Old Savannah #4 in the Secrets of the South Mysteries
Vendetta #1 in the Nikki Boyd Files series but all books in the series got a 5-star rating from me
Miss Match #1 in the Lauren Holbrook series

 I have read a TON of series and this was harder than I thought it would be. I tried to go with series that had a clear winner, but two was harder than the rest 😂. What is one of your favorite books from a series, or your favorite series? The Holly series by C.C. Warrens is still one of my all time favorite series.

What topic did you go with today? I would love for you to share in the comments. To see what other topics our bookish friends are doing this week click on the image below.


  1. I struggled this week because I barely read any series at all. It’s sort of funny that you struggled because of how many you read. :)

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.


    1. Lydia, seems there is always a struggle, LOL!

  2. What you read always intrigues me. Thinking of you friend. Hope all is well. Love you.

    1. Thanks Regine! Obviously, I LOVE to read :)

  3. I love the cover of Sunset in Old Savannah! It sounds really good too.

    1. Erin, it's an older series, but I devoured the whole series! It was so good!

  4. I always find it really hard to pick favorites when it comes to books...I love so many of them. Like Mistletoe Countess! That was such a fun romance. :D

    1. Lark, right?! I get points for trying this week, LOL!

  5. I really like the cover to Twice Sold Tales. It sounds like a fun one as well. I'll have to check it out.

    My TTT

    1. Jenni, it is a great books about books book! A book lovers dream :)

  6. Great list! Sometimes it's definitely tricky choosing a favorite in a series because there's indeed not always a clear winner.

    1. Lindsey, which is also the mark of a great series!

  7. I *think* I read some of those Nikki Boyd novels and I really did enjoy the Supper Club books. I think I rated them all highly. Also, Jody's time travel novels did interest me but I didn't ever read any. :) Thanks for visiting my website today.

    1. Rissi, I get it! There are so many books, never enough time!!

  8. I have got to read C.C.'s books and soon! Great list!

  9. I tend to like the first book in any given series best. Not always, but a lot of the time. Maybe my brain just lumps all the installments after that together into one big story?? I don't know, but I really don't tend to have favorite installments in a series.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Susan, some series aren't worth completing (sadly), but some are stand out.

  10. C.C. Warrens is SO popular with my library patrons right now, especially the Holly series. Her books always fly off the shelf as soon as I get them. Happy Tuesday!

  11. My problem, same as Lydia's, is just the opposite. I don't read that many series. But I had a lot of fun putting this list together.
    Thanks for visiting my post.

  12. I keep meaning to give Twice Sold Tales a go, it looks like fun!
