Thursday, June 6, 2024

May 2024 Reading Wrap Up

May was a crazy, busy month with two trips. I feel like I did more reading toward the end of the month. So let's see what it actually looks like 😂. I finished 16 books and apparently it was RomCom/Contemporary fiction month, LOL! Usually I have more of a mixed bag of genres. Click on the cover of the book if you are interested in the review.







Updates on my 2024 Tracking:

Goodreads: 97/200

Books from my physical bookshelves read: 13 (4 in May)

Kindle books that I own: 17 (2 in May)

Books read from library: 25 (6 in May)

Hoopla (library): 10 (1 in May)

Bought: 25 (11 in May!!)

Free Kindle Books added: 0

ARCs Read: 13 (3 in May)

Series completed: 7 (1 in May)

Kindle Unlimited read:12 (1 in May)

Won: 2

Well, I almost doubled how many books I have bought this year in one month!! I definitely need to go on a book buying ban. I am also intentionally trying to read LESS from the library in June and more from my own shelves. How was May for you? Any treasures you read that I should add to my TBR?


  1. May was rough for me with the end of the school year but I am already making up for it in June! Looks like a great month for you though, congrats!

  2. I thought Love in Tandem was cute, especially the author's note at the end. And I just checked Loyally, Luke out of the library. :D

  3. Oh my, Cindy!! 16 books!! I am amazed and terribly impressed. You go, girl.

  4. 16 books is incredible, especially given all the traveling you were doing!

  5. YOu're the second person talking about that ageing book. I feel that's a sign!

  6. I love rom-com books and I don't think I have read any of these (not even any of these authors!). Thanks for all the suggestions.

    1. Joanne, I LOVE them and have sooooo many more suggestions, LOL!

  7. Becca's looks SO fun and entertaining and I've heard complimentary things about Cindy Steel's books too. Maybe one of these days I'll give one of hers a chance. :)

    1. Rissi, I am making my way slooowly through some new-to-me authors! Every year I add more ;)

  8. Wow! I'm impressed that you read 16 books in a month! A normal month for me is between three and six books. I would recommend The Mystery Guest by Nita Prose, which is the sequel to The Maid.

    1. Sarah, I make time to read especially before bed, plus I listen to audiobooks when I am in the car, or doing laundry, things like that ;) It helps get the numbers up. Thanks for the recommendations.

  9. I don't do nearly this much reading any more so I'm very impressed! MissMatch and ReMatch caught my eye just based on the covers. Stopping by from Bookworms Monthly.

    1. Kym, books are still a great escape for me. I am listening to audio books more as well. Thanks for stopping by!

  10. That's an impressive amount of reading for one month!
