Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday-Marriage of Convenience

 Happy Tuesday my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is: Books that Include/Feature [insert your favorite theme or plot device here] (for example: unreliable narrators, coming of age, darkness vs. light, time travel, metafiction, a specific romantic trope, good vs. evil. cliffhangers, flashbacks, plot twists, red herrings, loose ends, stories within stories, meet cutes, symbolism, etc.) (submitted by Alice @ The Wallflower Digest) I really enjoy the Marriage of Convenience trope, so that is what I am going to share about today. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today.   

Top Ten-ish Marriage of Convenience stories (click on the cover if you want to read my review):

The Convenient Groom by Denise Hunter

The Accidental Bride by Denise Hunter
Short-Straw Bride by Karen Witemeyer
The Wedding Game by Amy Matayo-I read this before I reviewed books, but I still gave it 5-stars
An Uncommon Courtship by Kristi Ann Hunter
The Mistletoe Countess by Pepper Basham
In Search of a Prince by Toni Shiloh
Dare to Love my Fake Husband by Ellie Hall
The Buy-In by Emma St. Clair
Sunburst by Susan May Warren
The Weight of Air by Kimberly Duffy
A Groom of One's Own by Emma St. Clair
Miles Bailey Gets Down on One Knee by Jen Atkinson

Beauty and the Beach by Gracie Ruth Mitchell
I am sure I have read more than these, there are a few niggling around, just out of reach. What books have you read in this trope that you would recommend?

What topic did you go with this week? I would love for you to share in the comments. To see what other topics our bookish friends are doing this week click on the image below.


  1. Oh, this is an interesting theme that i have not seen repeated yet this week! I can’t imagine marrying someone I (presumably?) didn’t love, but I know many people did that in the past and some still do today.

    1. Lydia, I couldn't image doing it either, but I like reading about it, LOL!

  2. Great topic! I recently read The Indigo Heiress by Laura Frantz. The trope is really well done.

  3. So many great books! The marriage of convenience trope is a lot of fun. :)

  4. oooo you've got some of my faves on here :-D

  5. Oh what a fun topic among all the topics today!

  6. Nice choice for this week, Cindy. This is not one I've seen this week, but it is a plot device I do enjoy. Lots of books on this list that I will have to check out.

  7. What a perfect choice for this week's TTT! And there are several books on your list that I loved: Mistletoe Countess, Short Straw Bride, A Groom of One's Own, and Miles Bailey Gets Down on One Knee. :D

  8. It always surprises me to see this trope in contemporary romance! It must happen in real life but still.

  9. I can't recall having read any books with this trope, but I don't think this one is for me.

    My TTT: https://laurieisreading.com/2025/03/11/top-ten-tuesday-books-including-books/

  10. Great topic. I used to mainly read romances and enjoyed this trope. The books on your list look really good.
