Saturday, January 11, 2025
Stacking the Shelves #151, Sunday Post #148, Sunday Salon #142

Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Top Ten Tuesday-Characters with glasses
Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic Covers with [Item] on the Cover (You choose the item! It can be anything at all.) I decided to go with characters with glasses on, but think I should have gone a different direction, LOL! It was hard! Not surprisingly, most of the ones I found were romcoms. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today.
Top Ten books with characters that wear glasses:

Thursday, November 30, 2023
November Reading Wrap Up 2023
November passed in a blur of work, travel, car troubles, and my son's ongoing recovery. I had some reading duds, but overall I think I had a
decent reading month. I read 13 books (low for me) and DNFed 1. Click on the cover of
the book if you are interested in the review.
None-this has never happened before 😮😮
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Seconds to Live

Series: Homeland Heroes #1
Author: Susan Sleeman
Publisher: Bethany House
Genre: Christian Fiction, Suspense,
Source: Own
Challenges: 23 in '23
My Review:
Seconds to Live is the first book in the Homeland Heroes series.
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
Top Ten Tuesday-September TBR hopefuls
Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Books That Defied My Expectations. While I have started a list with this topic I have two books on it, and just can't think beyond that. So I am going to be totally lame and do a September TBR list. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today.
Ten books I plan (hope) to read in September:

Saturday, August 19, 2023
Stacking the Shelves #84, Sunday Post #81, Sunday Salon #75

Tuesday, July 4, 2023
Top Ten Tuesday-Book Covers with colors from the US Flag
Happy Independence Day to those in the USA!!! Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Book Covers In the Colors of My Country’s Flag (It’s the 4th of July in the USA today, so tell us what country you live in and share book covers that match the colors of your country’s flag!) I am going to tweak it slightly and do Ten Books I am planning to read before the end of the year that have colors of my country's flag. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today.
Ten books that have the colors of the US Flag that I plan to read this year:

Sunday, May 28, 2023
Stacking the Shelves #74, Sunday Post #71, Sunday Salon #65

Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Top Ten Tuesday-Ten Authors I plan to try in 2023
Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is a freebie. I decided to list ten of the authors I plan to try this year! Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today.
10 Authors I have been saying I am going to try and finally plan to try this year with the book I plan to read:
Chris Fabry-this also goes with my goal to read more male authors:

Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Top Ten Tuesday-Book Series I want start that I own
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Top Ten Tuesday-Creepy Book Titles
Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is a Halloween Freebie. I am going to do Creepy Book Titles and try not to do ones that I did for Morbid Titles last year! Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today.
10 Creepy Book Titles on my TBR (a few have not released yet):

Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Top Ten Tuesday- Book Titles With Units of Time
Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Books With a Unit of Time In the Title (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, eternity, etc.) (Submitted by RS @ The Idealistic Daydream) I am going to give this one a shot and hope I can come up with 10. I can't think of any off the top of my head. I am going to start with books I have not read that I own to read, either physical or on Kindle and see where that gets me. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today.
Physical owned:

Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Top Ten Tuesday-Authors I Want to Read
Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is top ten authors I want to read. There are MANY authors that I keep saying I am going to read but haven't gotten around to yet. I will try to limit the list to ten. 😂 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today.
Top Ten authors I haven't gotten around to yet AND I own a PHYSICAL copy of:
Erynn Mangum (I own 6 of her books!)

Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Top Ten Tuesday-Books with Adjectives in the Title
Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is books with adjectives in the title. I went to my Goodreads list and started with those that have been on there the longest and picked them. However, looking at my list I should probably be bothered by how often "dead" was used 😂 Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today.
11 books on my yet to be read, gonna read them someday list, that have adjectives in the title: