Showing posts with label Siri Mitchell. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Siri Mitchell. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday-Historical books I own that I need to read

Happy Tuesday my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is: Books Set in Another Time (These can be historical, futuristic, alternate universes, or even in a world where you’re not sure when it takes place you just know it’s not right now.)  I really don't read books that are alternate universes, or futuristic, but I do read Historical fiction, so I will focus on ten historical fiction books I own that I still need to read. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today.   

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Top Ten Tuesday-Authors I discovered in 2022

Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is new-to-me authors I discovered in 2022. I did not focus on new authors as much in 2022 as I did in 2021 (I read over 146) . So, I am curious how many I read as well 😀Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today. 

New-to-me authors discovered in 2022 and the first book I read by them:

Well, looks like I read 55 new ones 🤯 so I will link to my Goodreads shelf and highlight my top 10 favorites:

Sunday, January 1, 2023

December Reading Wrap-up

As I pause to reflect on the month of December, I am thankful I found more time to read than I did in November. I don't know what my reading life will look like in the new year since I am going to be getting a part-time job, but I hope to still have a decent amount of time for reading and blogging!

I finished 17 books in December and DNF 2. Click on the cover of the book if you want to read my review.


Friday, December 16, 2022

First Line Friday #72- The Cubicle Next Door

Welcome back to First Line Friday hosted by Carrie at Reading is My SuperPower!!  I am also linking up with Gilion on Rose City Reader for Book Beginnings. This is where you share the beginning of the book that you are reading. To join in the fun grab the book you are reading and leave a comment with the first line (or your link). This week I am reading The Cubicle Next Door by Siri Mitchell. I have been wanting to read this one all year!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday-Books to read before the end of the year

Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday is books on my winter 2022-2023 read list. I am going to tweak this topic to books I need to read before the end of the year...and I am not at home (where my list is), so we'll see what we end up with! Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today. 

10 Book I need to read before the end of the year:

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday-Physical books I own that give off fall vibes

Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Favorite Bookstores OR Bookstores I’d Love to Visit. I LOVE bookstores, so if I come across one I am going to go in. I am not feeling the topic of my favorite bookstores (any used bookstore!) or bookstores I'd love to visit. Today I going to do books on my physical shelves that give me fall vibes. They are also books I have not read yet.  Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today. 

Ten books I still need to read on my physical shelves that give off fall vibes:

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday-Typographic Book Covers

Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Typographic Book Covers (Book covers with a design that is all or mostly all words. You can also choose to do books with nice typography if that’s easier!) (Submitted by Mareli @ ElzaReads). I am going to try to go with books I still need to read. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today. 

Ten Typographic Book Covers of books I still need to read: 

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Stacking the Shelves #39, Sunday Post #36, Sunday Salon #30

Hey bookish friends! How are things going for you? I am doing a bunch of projects around the house on this long weekend, and hoping to catch up on some blog posts and reading.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday-Funny Book Titles

Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is Hilarious Book Titles. I am off to my Goodreads list to see what I can come up with. I think this is topic is going to be subjective and I am not finding much (anything) that is truly hilarious. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today. 

Book titles I think are funny: 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday-Authors I Want to Read

Happy Tuesday, my bookish friends!! I hope you all are doing well. Today's Top Ten Tuesday topic is top ten authors I want to read. There are MANY authors that I keep saying I am going to read but haven't gotten around to yet. I will try to limit the list to ten. 😂   Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and you can head over there to see what our other bookish friends are up to today. 

Top Ten authors I haven't gotten around to yet AND I own a PHYSICAL copy of

Erynn Mangum (I own 6 of her books!)